Earthsongs Journal

Success? Recognition? Credibility? Just Keep Working…. 

Those considerations are different for each artist. For some, it may mean that their work actually equates to an income that is a living wage. For others, it may simply mean that their work brings them a degree of notoriety, often short-lived, but something to give...

Time to celebrate…

Earthsongs Studio is celebrating its Thirtieth Anniversary with a full year of celebration…EVERYONE IS WELCOME!

A nightmare of antitheticals…

As humans I believe we live in a mosh of inconsistencies, incongruities, incompatibilities.

A Contemporary “Canticle of the Creatures”

This is my contemporary version of the Medieval “Canticle of the Creatures” With joy we greet you Brother Sun and Blue Sky!  You brighten and enliven all. Ah, Sister Moon, such a comfort,  your soft glow companions us, and with the stars twinkling by your...

Ruminating about Tools…

You know the saying, “to do a job well, you need the right tool.”

Clay with a Conscience

Many Christian artists take the time of the 40 days of Lent to engage in an artistic spiritual practice. I have never felt called to do that until this year.

Maturing Artist 2/2

One of my earliest large murals in process. “The Canticle” received monthly visits from the architect, building managers and collaborator during its yearlong fabricationl

The Maturing Artist, Part 1/2

My interest in the arts began very early; going back to my single digit years and my parents’ amazement at my ability to draw “freehand,” in the phrase of the day. In elementary school if art contests were had, they often resulted in prizes for me. In one notorious...

The Maturing Artist

When Nancy Ori invited me into a collaboration with her, I was very skeptical. I truly did not see how we could collaborate in any meaningful way. But continued conversation over several months developed into an idea about which I am genuinely excited. The review of...

A Creative Time Calls for…CREATIVITY!

The Holidays celebrated at this time of year find nearly everyone tapping into her/ his inner artist. No matter the tradition, creativity flows:

Explore the Archives

Dancing Waters: A Song about Community

Dancing Waters: A Song about Community

This April marks ten years that the fountain with three little birds dancing in the water have reappeared in front of the ceramic Earthsongs sign.  Every October, the fountain is put away for the winter; only the stones remain, and the area takes on winter...

Piece to Peace: A Song about Relationship

Piece to Peace: A Song about Relationship

I believe working with clay does put me uniquely in touch with the earth. It gives insight into many aspects of what it means to be human. It’s no wonder so many cultures, and religions have seen the first humans a “made from clay”. We have connections to the material...

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